About Ross Kay HomeOwnership Advisors
At Ross Kay we are students of the Realty Cycle and Trading Cycle now for over 50 years and three generations. We have developed proprietary measures of the housing market based in our over fifty years of study in it's infrastructure and how it functions. We can explain past, ongoing and future change with a degree of accuracy that is not only unmatched but exists no where else. We allow you to time the market with a precise measure of risk to allow you to maximise your returns and capitalise on market swings with full knowledge of the risk you are accepting.
Ross Kay our founder and the third generation of his family to study real estate markets, identified the Trading Cycle back in 1991 and in 2010 defined it to a level that allowed it to be measured. In the last five years we have created methodologies to measure the market in ways that allow both the Realty Cycle and its Trading Cycles to forecast with precision. Developing a proprietary and robust market intelligence model alongside our 35 years of study in real estate transactional data and how it is compiled, we were afforded a 42 year historical vetting of our market forecasts and metrics to be tested. We understand our unique position and our indices reflect our unique perspective and knowledge.
Throughout a consumer's “Lifetime of Homeownership”, common behavioural patterns have been followed by Canadians for more than five decades and their impact on the housing market and the economy has followed similar patterns. Measuring these patterns and knowing the triggers that swing a market from Bear to Bull, are what gives our clients not just months but often years of advance notice of where their assets or investments are headed.
We support all stakeholders in the housing market through our independence and non-reliance on sale side revenue generation.
Ross Kay, our president and founder, is available for media contacts.
Contact us at [email protected].
Ross Kay our founder and the third generation of his family to study real estate markets, identified the Trading Cycle back in 1991 and in 2010 defined it to a level that allowed it to be measured. In the last five years we have created methodologies to measure the market in ways that allow both the Realty Cycle and its Trading Cycles to forecast with precision. Developing a proprietary and robust market intelligence model alongside our 35 years of study in real estate transactional data and how it is compiled, we were afforded a 42 year historical vetting of our market forecasts and metrics to be tested. We understand our unique position and our indices reflect our unique perspective and knowledge.
Throughout a consumer's “Lifetime of Homeownership”, common behavioural patterns have been followed by Canadians for more than five decades and their impact on the housing market and the economy has followed similar patterns. Measuring these patterns and knowing the triggers that swing a market from Bear to Bull, are what gives our clients not just months but often years of advance notice of where their assets or investments are headed.
We support all stakeholders in the housing market through our independence and non-reliance on sale side revenue generation.
Ross Kay, our president and founder, is available for media contacts.
Contact us at [email protected].