You won't find Average House Price, Sales to New Listing Ratio, Months of Inventory or any of the other plethora of statistics created with a singular purpose of obtaining the highest price possible for a home and the highest commission income possible for a trade association member because we know how, why and when they were created.
You won't find any of the traditional statistics that have been used against the best interest of home buyers for over 70 years in Canada. What you will find are the metrics of measuring the Home Trading Market that we have used to predict each and every turn in the market since 1988. You will find metrics that have been vetted against the last 40 years of home trading data to accurately predict where the market will be up to 18 months later.
You won't find any of the traditional statistics that have been used against the best interest of home buyers for over 70 years in Canada. What you will find are the metrics of measuring the Home Trading Market that we have used to predict each and every turn in the market since 1988. You will find metrics that have been vetted against the last 40 years of home trading data to accurately predict where the market will be up to 18 months later.